
Knorm plugin that automates working with created_at and updated_at table fields.


npm install --save @knorm/knorm @knorm/timestamps

@knorm/timestamps has a peer dependency on @knorm/knorm


const { knorm } = require('@knorm/knorm');
const { knormTimestamps } = require('@knorm/timestamps');
const orm = knorm({
// knorm options
// knormTimestamps options


[name]stringtimestampsThe name of the plugin, allows accessing the plugin instance via Knorm's plugin registry (Knorm.prototype.plugins)
[createdAt]objectConfig options for the createdAt field.
[createdAt.name]stringcreatedAtThe field-name for the createdAt field.
[createdAt.column]stringcreated_atThe column-name for the createdAt field.
[updatedAt]objectConfig options for the updatedAt field.
[updatedAt.name]stringupdatedAtThe field-name for the updatedAt field.
[updatedAt.column]stringupdated_atThe column-name for the updatedAt field.


This plugin:

  • adds createdAt and updatedAt fields to the Model class
  • modifies Query.prototype.insert method such that the createdAt and updatedAt fields are set to the current time (i.e. new Date())
  • modifies Query.prototype.update method to set the updatedAt field is set to the current time (i.e. new Date()) before update.
  • If Query.prototype.insert is passed data where createdAt and updatedAt are already set, they are left as is.
  • If Query.prototype.update is passed data where createdAt is set, it's removed before the updated. updatedAt is always set to the current time.