
Validation is configured per field using the field config.

A model instance is validated before Model.prototype.insert and Model.prototype.update. Before inserts, all fields will be validated (except the primary field if it's undefined) whereas before updates, only the fields that have values set will be validated.

You can trigger validation any time on a model instance via Model.prototype.validate.


Validation can be configured for each field via the field configs.

Regex validation

You can validate fields against regular expressions by either

  • configuring a regular expression that all values must match
  • configuring a regular expression that all values must not match
  • both matching and non-matching regular expressions

The regular expressions are tested against the field's value.

Matching regex

Can be configured directly via the regex field config:

class User extends Model {}
User.fields = {
username: {
type: 'string',
regex: /[a-z]/

Or explicitly via an object with a matching regex:

class User extends Model {}
User.fields = {
username: {
type: 'string',
regex: {
matching: /[a-z]/

Both these configs will ensure that values for username will be lowercase a-z letters:

new User({ username: 'foo' }); // valid
new User({ username: 'foo1' }); // not valid

Non-matching regex

Can be configured via an object with a notMatching regex:

class User extends Model {}
User.fields = {
username: {
type: 'string',
regex: {
notMatching: /\./

This ensures that values for username will not contain a dot (.):

new User({ username: 'foo' }); // valid
new User({ username: 'foo1' }); // valid
new User({ username: 'foo.' }); // not valid

Both matching and non-matching regex

Can be configured via an object with both matching and notMatching regex's:

class User extends Model {}
User.fields = {
username: {
type: 'string',
regex: {
matching: /[a-z]/,
notMatching: /\./

This ensures that values for username will be lowercase a-z letters and will not contain a dot (.):

new User({ username: 'foo' }); // valid
new User({ username: 'foo1' }); // not valid
new User({ username: 'foo.' }); // not valid

Custom validation

To add custom validation, supply a validate function to the field config. The validator is called with the field's value and the Model instance as parameters, so you're able to access other values on the instance. This is handy for validating fields based on the input of other fields.

Async validators (validators that return a Promise) are also supported. Validation for the field fails if the function:

  • throws an error
  • returns false
  • returns a Promise that is rejected with an error
  • returns a Promise that is resolved with false

If the validator throws an error or returns a rejected Promise, validation for that field fails with that error (or the rejection error). However, if it returns false or resolves the Promise with false, then validation fails with a Field.ValidationError.

You can also continue validating by returning an object with the regular validators (or resolving the Promise with an object with validators), including another custom validator function!

class User extends Model {}
User.fields = {
loginType: {
type: 'string',
required: true,
oneOf: ['email', 'oauth']
email: {
type: 'string',
validate(value, model) {
if (model.loginType === 'email') {
// return new validators
return {
required: true,
regex: /some-regex-for-validating-emails/
username: {
type: 'string',
required: true,
async validate(username) {
// NOTE: this is just an example, it's better to do this with a UNIQUE constraint
const usernameTaken = await User.count({ where: { username } });
if (usernameTaken) {
throw new Error(`The username '${username}' is already taken`);

Custom validators will not be called if the value is undefined, but will be called if the value is null.

JSON validation

For json (and jsonb) fields, you can have the JSON values validated by adding a shape object to the field definition object.

class Upload extends Model {}
Upload.fields = {
image: {
type: 'jsonb',
shape: {
filename: { type: 'string' },
mimetype: { type: 'string', oneOf: ['image/jpeg', 'image/png'] },
data: { type: 'binary', required: true }

With this config, these are valid:

new Upload({
image: { filename: 'foo', mimetype: 'image/jpeg', data: Buffer.from('foo') }
// Upload.fields.image is not a required field:
new Upload({});
// Upload.fields.image.filename is not required:
new Upload({ image: { mimetype: 'image/jpeg', data: Buffer.from('foo') } });

while these are invalid:

// Upload.fields.image.mimetype 'image/gif' is not allowed:
new Upload({
image: { filename: 'foo', mimetype: 'image/gif', data: Buffer.from('foo') }
// Upload.fields.image.filename should be a string:
new Upload({
image: { filename: 1, mimetype: 'image/png', data: Buffer.from('foo') }

JSON shape validators support all the validators, including nested shape validators for nested objects.


You may also define the shape with the fieldName: fieldType shorthand:

class User extends Model {}
User.fields = {
data: {
type: 'jsonb',
shape: {
firstName: 'string',
lastName: 'string'

JSON arrays

For JSON arrays, use the array field type. You can also define the shape of a single array item by passing a shape validation object with the regular validators.

class SomeData extends Model {}
SomeData.fields = {
data: {
type: 'json',
shape: {
currentVersion: {
type: 'string',
required: true
oldVersions: {
type: 'array',
maxLength: 2,
shape: {
type: 'string',
required: true
const someData = new SomeData({
data: {
currentVersion: 'v1.0.0',
oldVersions: ['v0.9.0', 'v0.8.0']

Nested objects

For nested objects, use the object field type. You can also define the nested object's shape with a nested shape validator.

class SomeData extends Model {}
SomeData.fields = {
data: {
type: 'json',
shape: {
nested: {
type: 'object',
shape: {
someField: { type: 'string' },
someOtherField: { type: 'number' }
const someData = new SomeData({
data: {
nested: {
someField: 'some value',
someOtherField: 1

Nested object fields should contain a type, just like regular Field instances.

Root-level JSON fields

For JSON fields whose values are not nested in an object, define their validators with a shape validator:

class SomeData extends Model {}
SomeData.fields = {
value: {
type: 'json',
shape: {
type: 'string',
required: true,
maxLength: 255
const someData = new SomeData({ value: 'some value' });
class RootLevelArray extends Model {}
RootLevelArray.fields = {
value: {
type: 'array',
shape: {
required: true,
type: 'string'
const rootLevelArray = new RootLevelArray({ value: ['some value'] });

Note that you may also define the shape with the fieldName: fieldType shorthand:

class User extends Model {}
User.fields = {
data: {
type: 'jsonb',
shape: 'string'

Overriding validators

Instead of repeating the same validation config for multiple related fieds, you could instead overload a validator.

For example, to enforce a max-length of 500 for all string field types, instead of adding a maxLength validator for every field of type string, you could override the string validator to add max-length validation for every string field.

This can be easily done with a plugin:

const stringsMaxLength500 = orm => {
class StringsMaxLength500 extends orm.Field {
validateIsString(value, type) {
super.validateIsString(value, type);
this.validateMaxLengthIs(value, 500);
orm.Model.Field = orm.Field = StringsMaxLength500;