
Virtuals are computed fields. To add virtuals to a model, assign an object to Model.virtuals:

class User extends Model {}
User.virtuals = { virtualName: virtualConfig };

You can also use a getter function to return the model's virtuals, but first add the virtuals to the model's config to ensure they are linked to the model and that inheritance is maintained:

class User extends Model {
static get virtuals {
this.config.virtuals = { virtualName: virtualConfig };
return this.config.virtuals;

When an instance of the model is created, getters and setters for the virtual fields are automatically added to the instance. In addition, they are also used in setting and getting model data.

!> Virtual names should be unique. The Model.virtuals setter will throw if the virtual's name is already a Model.prototype property or is already defined as a field.

Virtual config

A virtual field's config can either be a function or an object. If a function, it's assumed to the virtual's get function.

As an object, the virtual config object is similar to an accessor descriptor for Object.defineProperty:

getfunctionA function that returns the virtual's value. It will be called with this set to the model instance. NOTE: async functions are supported.
setfunctionA function that sets the virtual's value. It will be called with this set to the model instance.

!> Both get and set are optional, but at least one should be configured

Beware of using arrow functions for get and set as they lose the this context