
Models are synonymous to database tables. They provide the core functionality for setting, getting, validating, casting, saving, updating and deleting data. All models inherit the base Model class.

Model config

Models are configured through these static properties:

Model.tablestring (required)noneConfigures the model's table-name. NOTE: this config can be omitted if the model is not used for performing any database operations (i.e. fetching, saving, deleting etc)
Model.schemastringnoneConfigures the model's schema-name
Model.fieldsobjectnoneConfigures the model's fields. See the fields guide for more info
Model.virtualsobjectnoneConfigures the model's virtual fields. See the virtuals guide for more info
Model.optionsobjectnoneConfigures the model's default query and plugin options (for some plugins). See customizing queries per model for more info
Model.QueryQueryQueryThe Query class that the model uses to perform database operations. This allows customizing queries per model.
Model.FieldFieldFieldThe Field class that the model uses to create field instances. Also allows customizing fields per model.

Setting data

Assuming this model:

class User extends Model {}
User.fields = { firstName: { type: 'string' }, lastName: { type: 'string' } };
User.virtuals = {
names: {
get() {
return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`;
set(names) {
names = names.split(' ');
this.firstName = names[0];
this.lastName = names[1];

You can set data on the model instance in any of the following ways:

// constructor:
const user = new User({ firstName: 'Foo', lastName: 'Bar' });
// setData:
const user = new User().setData({ firstName: 'Foo', lastName: 'Bar' });
// assignment:
const user = new User();
user.firstName = 'Foo';
user.lastName = 'Bar';

Setting data via virtuals is also supported:

// constructor:
const user = new User({ names: 'Foo Bar' });
// setData:
const user = new User().setData({ names: 'Foo Bar' });
// assignment:
const user = new User();
user.names = 'Foo Bar';

See the Model class for more info

Getting data

Following the example in Setting data, you can get data set on the instance via:

// direct property access:
console.log(user.firstName); // => 'Foo'
console.log(user.lastName); // => 'Bar'
console.log(user.names); // => 'Foo Bar'
// to get only field data:
user.getFieldData(); // { firstName: 'Foo', lastName: 'Bar' }
// to get virtual data syncronously:
user.getVirtualDataSync(); // { names: 'Foo Bar' }
// to get both field and virtual data syncronously:
user.getDataSync(); // { firstName: 'Foo', lastName: 'Bar', names: 'Foo Bar' }
// with async virtuals:
user.getVirtualData(); // Promise => { names: 'Foo Bar' }
user.getData(); // Promise => { firstName: 'Foo', lastName: 'Bar', names: 'Foo Bar' }

Since async virtual getters are intrinsically supported, the methods that get virtual field data always return a Promise. However, you can stil use the sync variants to ignore async virtual data.

Saving, fetching and deleting data

For all Model instances, you can save, retrieve or delete data in the database with these methods:

// either insert or update (if the instance has a primary field-value set):;
// or directly call:
// fetch or re-fetch:
// delete:

See, Model.prototype.insert, Model.prototype.update, Model.prototype.fetch and Model.prototype.delete for more info

All the methods update the instance with the latest data from the database, so after an update you do not need to re-fetch the row (this can be disabled with the Query.prototype.returning query option though).

The Model.prototype.update, Model.prototype.fetch and Model.prototype.delete methods require a primary or unique field to be set on the model in order to find the row in the database. See the primary and unique fields guide for more info.

All the methods also have static variants that instead enable working with multiple records:

// insert multiple records:[user1, user2], options);
User.insert([user1, user2], options);
// update multiple records:
User.update({ firstName: 'Bar' }, options);
// fetch all records:
// delete all records:

See, Model.insert, Model.update, Model.fetch and Model.delete for more info


Static methods work on multiple rows while the instance methods only work on a single row!


Instance methods will automatically throw an error if the record is not found in the database (for fetch, delete and update operations).

In addition, you can configure generated methods with the methods field config option:

User.fields = { email: { type: 'email', unique: true, methods: true } };
User.fetchByEmail('', options);
User.updateByEmail('', data, options);
User.deleteByEmail('', options);

These methods also throw an error if the record is not found in the database since they are intended to work with single records.

Customizing queries per model

You can set default query options per model via the Model.options setter.

For example, if your users table has some system users that should not be fetched/updated/deleted, you can add a default Query.prototype.where option:

class User extends Model {}
User.fields = {
id: { type: 'integer', primary: true },
type: { type: 'string', default: 'user', oneOf: ['system', 'user'] }
User.options = {
query: { where: User.where.notEqual({ type: 'system' }) }
User.fetch().then(console.log); // will not contain system users

These options will also be inherited when the model is inherited.
Read more on setting query options

You could then have a SystemUser model for interacting only with system users:

class SystemUser extends User {}
SystemUser.options = {
query: { where: { type: 'system' } }
SystemUser.fetch().then(console.log); // will only contain system users

For more fine-grained control, you can also override the Query class and add custom query options:

class User extends Model {}
User.Query = class UserQuery extends User.Query {
onlySystemUsers() {
return this.where({ type: 'system' });
withoutSystemUsers() {
const where = this.constructor.where;
return this.where(where.notEqual({ type: 'system' }));
withSystemUsers() {
return this; // doesn't need to do anything, should return all users
onlySystemUsers: true
}).then(console.log); // will only contain system users

Query options should return this to allow chaining.

Model registry

Knorm keeps an internal registry of models that is automatically updated when models are created and configured. In any of Knorm's classes, the model registry can be accessed via the models object:

const knorm = require('@knorm/knorm');
const orm = knorm();
class User extends orm.Model {
doStuff() {
console.log(this.models); // => { User: [Function: User] }
User.table = 'user';
console.log(User.models); // => { User: [Function: User] }
console.log(orm.models); // => { User: [Function: User] }

When accessing other models from within instance and class methods, it's recommended to use the models instance or class property, rather than accessing them via Node's require function. This allows runnning queries within transactions without having to make any further code changes.

Note that for models to be automatically added to the registry, they must be loaded (i.e. required) and configured. If a model is not configured, you can add it to the registry via Knorm.prototype.addModel:

const knorm = require('@knorm/knorm');
const orm = knorm();
class User extends orm.Model {}
class Admin extends User {}
User.table = 'user'; // User is configured, added automatically
orm.addModel(Admin); // Admin is not configured, must be added manually

Since models are only automatically added when they are required, it's recommended to load all the models syncronously when starting up a node app. For example:

// app.js:
const express = require('express');
const loadModels = require('./models');
const app = express();
app.get('/', (req, res) => res.send('Hello World!'));
app.listen(3000, () => console.log('Example app listening on port 3000!'));
// models/index.js:
const orm = require('./orm');
const { readdirSync } = require('fs');
const { resolve, basename } = require('path');
const modelsDir = resolve(__dirname);
const loadModels = () => {
readdirSync(modelsDir).forEach(filename => {
const modelName = basename(filename, '.js');
// require the model, automatically loads it into the orm:
const model = require(resolve(modelsDir, filename));
// if the model is not configured, manually add it to the orm:
if (!orm.models[modelName]) {
module.exports = loadModels;
// models/orm.js:
const knorm = require('@knorm/knorm');
const orm = knorm();
module.exports = orm;
// models/User.js:
const orm = require('./orm');
class User extends orm.Model {}
User.table = 'user';
module.exports = User;
// models/Admin.js:
const User = require('./User');
class Admin extends User {}
module.exports = Admin;