
Postgres plugin for Knorm that enables connecting to and running queries against PostgreSQL.


npm install --save @knorm/knorm @knorm/postgres

@knorm/postgres has a peer dependency on @knorm/knorm


const { knorm } = require('@knorm/knorm');
const { knormPostgres } = require('@knorm/postgres');
const orm = knorm({
// knorm options
// knormPostgres options


[name]stringpostgresThe name of the plugin, allows accessing the plugin instance via Knorm's plugin registry (Knorm.prototype.plugins)
[connection]object | stringnonePassed directly to pg. However, connections can also be configured via environment variables


This plugin adds these postgres-specific features:

  • automatically JSON-stringifying all json and jsonb fields before save (insert or update)
  • automatically validating all string fields with maxLength: 255
  • limit, offset, returning query options and ilike where option, via sql-bricks-postgres
  • updating multiple rows using a single query with UPDATE FROM, via sql-bricks-postgres
  • connection pooling, via pg

JSON patching

When updating json and jsonb fields, you may wish to only update part of the JSON data instead of the whole object. You can partially update json fields via the patch option:

  • set the option value to true to patch all the json and jsonb fields in the update data
  • set the option value to a string field-name to patch a single field in the update data
  • set the option value to an array of field-names to patch a multiple fields in the update data

For example:

class User extends Model {}
User.fields = {
id: {
type: 'integer'
name: {
type: 'jsonb',
shape: {
first: 'string',
last: 'string'
data: {
type: 'jsonb',
shape: {
image: {
type: 'object',
shape: {
mime: 'string',
filename: 'string'
const user = new User({ id: 1, name: { first: 'John' } });
// to update whole `name` object without patching:
user.update({ name: { last: 'Doe' } });
// result: new User({ id: 1, name: { last: 'Doe' } });
// to patch the `name` object instead:
User.update({ name: { last: 'Doe' } }, { patch: 'name' });
// result: new User({ id: 1, name: { first: 'John', last: 'Doe' } });

To patch multiple json and jsonb fields in an update:

User.update(data, { patch: ['someField', 'someOtherField'] });

To patch all json and jsonb fields contained in the update data:

User.update(data, { patch: true });

Only basic json-patching is supported: only the first level of patching is supported. If a nested object is passed, the nested keys are replaced:

const user = new User({
id: 1,
data: {
image: { type: 'image/jpeg', filename: 'image-1.jpg' }
// in this update, the whole `image` object gets replaced:
user.update({ data: { image: { type: 'image/png' } }, { patch: true });
// result: new User({ id: 1, data: { image: { type: 'image/png' } } });

To patch nested objects, use jsonb_set instead in a raw-sql update:

const value = JSON.stringify({ type: 'image/png' });
{ data: User.query.sql(`jsonb_set("data", '{image,type}', '${value}')`) },
{ patch: true }
// result:
// new User({
// id: 1,
// data: {
// image: { type: 'image/png', filename: 'image-1.jpg' }
// }
// });

Note that for plain json fields, you have to cast to jsonb and then cast the result back to json:. So assuming data was a json field, the update would be:

const value = JSON.stringify({ type: 'image/png' });
const sql = `jsonb_set("data"::jsonb, '{image,type}', '${value}')::json`;
user.update({ data: User.query.sql(sql) }, { patch: true });