
Knorm plugin that adds pagination features when fetching rows from the database.


npm install --save @knorm/knorm @knorm/paginate

@knorm/paginate has a peer dependency on @knorm/knorm


const { knorm } = require('@knorm/knorm');
const { knormPaginate } = require('@knorm/paginate');
const orm = knorm({
// knorm options
// knormPaginate options


[name]stringpaginateThe name of the plugin, allows accessing the plugin instance via Knorm's plugin registry (Knorm.prototype.plugins)
[page]number1The default page value to use if only perPage is set in query options
[perPage]number10The default perPage value to use if only page is set in query options



This plugin adds Query.prototype.count and Model.count methods that enable counting the number of rows in a table:

class User extends Model {}
User.fields = {
id: 'integer',
names: 'string'
// `deleted` is added by @knorm/soft-delete
// to count all the rows:
// to count specific rows:
User.count({ where: { names: 'Foo Bar' } });
// in conjunction with @knorm/soft-delete, to count soft-deleted rows:
// to fetch rows including soft-deleted rows:
User.count({ onlyDeleted: true });
// in conjunction with @knorm/relations, to count rows with a related row in
// another model:
User.count({ innerJoin: Image });


This plugin adds the following query options for the Query.prototype.fetch method:

  • Query.prototype.page number / string, default: 1 - the page to fetch rows from. This can also be passed as first and last.
  • Query.prototype.perPage number, default: 10 - how many records to fetch per page
  • Query.prototype.withPaginationData boolean, default: true - whether or not to return pagination data or only the rows from the fetch
User.fetch({ page: 2 });
// sample result:
// {
// total: 500,
// page: 2,
// perPage: 10,
// rows: [
// new User({ id: 11, name: 'User 11' }),
// new User({ id: 12, name: 'User 12' }),
// new User({ id: 13, name: 'User 13' }),
// new User({ id: 14, name: 'User 14' }),
// new User({ id: 15, name: 'User 15' }),
// new User({ id: 16, name: 'User 16' }),
// new User({ id: 17, name: 'User 17' }),
// new User({ id: 18, name: 'User 18' }),
// new User({ id: 19, name: 'User 19' }),
// new User({ id: 20, name: 'User 20' })
// ]
// }
User.fetch({ page: 'last', perPage: 3 });
// sample result:
// {
// total: 500,
// page: 167,
// perPage: 3,
// rows: [
// new User({ id: 498, name: 'User 498' }),
// new User({ id: 499, name: 'User 499' }),
// new User({ id: 500, name: 'User 500' })
// ]
// }
User.fetch({ page: 'last', perPage: 3, withPaginationData: false });
// sample result:
// [
// new User({ id: 498, name: 'User 498' }),
// new User({ id: 499, name: 'User 499' }),
// new User({ id: 500, name: 'User 500' })
// ]